Enrich your home with a statement painting, try fresh salty seas or a dewy forest
Enrich your home with a statement painting, try fresh salty seas or a dewy forest
A semi abstract view of coastlines and seas, with vibrant hues of blues and greens with a hint of a detail feeding one's imagination.
Taste the salt in the air in my British Isles seascapes and around the rugged coastline of Brittany, France.
Walk through dewy forests and woodlands, misty lakes and feel the freedom of mountain summits.
Catch the eye of a deer or immerse yourself quietly among birds in their natural habitat.
A technique combining watercolour, gouache, ink and rushing water. The image left is a mottled, haunting, aged effect.
Scenes around South West England and local scenes in and around my home city of Bristol in the United Kingdom.
Compilation of sold works, past commissions, some private, some within the NHS, some within local dental practices